New wiki

I have now changed the Wiki software for the AnkhSVN wiki to the wiki engine everyone is blogging about, namely ScrewTurn. I was immediately impressed by just how slick ScrewTurn was; dead easy to install and configure.

I have imported all the history from the previous Flexwiki-based wiki, however, historical versions lack proper formatting.

Unlike the previous wiki, this one requires users to be signed up in order to edit pages. This should let us avoid the wiki spam that plagued the old wiki.

Of course, it’s still a bit lacking in content, but I’m sure this will pick up quickly – ScrewTurn is so much more fun to work with than FlexWiki.

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42 Responses to New wiki

  1. Thomas says:

    Where do I find documentation for using the ankh within VS.NET?

  2. Arild says:

    The documentation for Ankh is unfortunately pretty much limited to what’s on the wiki. I also recommend reading the Subversion book at

  3. Thomas says:

    Thanks. Any plans for a full description of the ankh functionalities any time soon?

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